He believes those who have risked and sometimes given their lives carrying out courageous acts must be remembered.

Latest media

Lord Ashcroft champions gallantry in newspaper/magazine articles, books, blogs, television documentaries, short films, interviews and lectures.

Ukrainian prisoner of war

Published in the Daily Express on 23 May 2024.

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The bravery of

Published in The Sunday Express on 12 May 2024.

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The Honeytrap Resistance

Published in The Mail on Sunday on 28 April 2024.

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He proved his love in deeds

Published in the Daily Express on 20 March 2024.

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All out war

Published in the Daily Express on 29 February 2024.

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How ex-model Nina Yevtushenko

Published in The Mail On Sunday on 24 December 2023.

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VC hero survived

Published in the Sunday Express on 03 December 2023.

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The Victoria Cross winner

Published in the Daily Express on 02 December 2023.

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View Lord Ashcroft’s heroes and media work under dozens of wars/conflicts dating back to the Crimean War.

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Lord Ashcroft has championed the valour of hundreds of military and civilian heroes over the past two decades.

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Lord Ashcroft’s heroes have served in the Royal Navy/Royal Marines, Army, RAF and other services, whilst others were civilians.

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Many of Lord Ashcroft’s heroes have been decorated with gallantry medals, including the Victoria Cross and George Cross.

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